Standardised Policy BPS Calculation Policy 2023 - 24.pdfMaths Curriculum

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Calculation Policy 2023-24


Mathematics Programme of Study

(Termly Targets Nursery to Year 6) 


Sequenced Progression EYFS

Curriculum for Mathemetics



What did OFSTED say? (July 2019)

'Our first agreed focus for this inspection was to find out how leaders have
managed to sustain high rates of progress in mathematics. From 2016 to 2018,
- the proportion of pupils who made strong progress in mathematics by the end of Year 6 was well above average, compared with other schools, nationally. There was little difference between different groups of pupils such as disadvantaged pupils, boys and girls, and the most able.

- Staff understanding of how to teach mathematics has been developed to a high level through a range of support strategies. Through visits to lessons, individual support and group discussions, staff receive specific advice to promote deep learning. As a result, teachers plan activities and approaches that best meet pupils’ needs and abilities.

-  Our checks of pupils’ work showed that pupils carry out a wide range of activities, with lots of opportunities to practise and apply their mathematical understanding.

There are opportunities for pupils to apply their mathematical understanding across some subjects, such as science, computing and physical education (PE). This develops pupils’ confidence with number, patterns, calculations, reasoning and graphical skills, and prepares them very well for their next stage of learning.'


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