Our Trustees


Positive relationships exist between the directors and the school staff here at Broadfields.  These are based on trust, openness and transparency.

The Board of Trustees systematically monitors the school’s progress. Information about what is going well and why, and what is not going well and why, is shared. Our Trustees consistently ask for information, explanation or clarification. They make a strong contribution to planning for improvement.

The Trustees are given pertinent, accurate information by the Headteacher that is concise and focused on pupil achievement. This enables the Trustees to be well informed and knowledgeable.

Our governance supports honest, insightful self-evaluation by the school, recognising problems and the Governors support the steps needed to address them.

The Board of Trustees at Broadfields see themselves as part of the Broadfields team and build strong relationships with the Headteacher, senior leaders, staff and other Trustees.

Trustees routinely attend lessons to gather information about the school at work. Many of the Trustees visit the school regularly and talk with staff, pupils and parents.

Our Trustees behave with integrity and are mutually supportive. The Headteacher recognises that the Trustees provide him with a different perspective which contributes to strengthening leadership at Broadfields.

Trustees use the skills they bring, and the information they have about the school, to ask challenging questions, which are focused on improvement, and hold the Headteacher to account for pupils’ outcomes.

Meetings are held regularly, are well organised and Trustees receive the information they need in advance. Consequently, the Trustees come to meetings well prepared and with relevant questions ready so that they are able to provide constructive challenge to the school. The questions they ask challenge assumptions and support effective decision-making.

The Board of Trustees also reflects on its own effectiveness and, if needed, makes changes to improve.

Please note:  All members of the Board of Trustees are asked, annually, to declare any pecuniary interest that they may have in the business of the school. 

To contact the Board of Trustees: ddrimer@broadfields.net or 020 8359 5430

Roseberry Drive, Edgware, Middlesex, HA8 8JP

020 8359 5430
